Our Partners

Our Goal

We're aiming to raise $60,000. So far we've raised $6,753.

$0 $60,000

Supporting those in:



Mission Partner: Transform Cambodia

Donations needed: $15,000

Since 2006, Transform Cambodia has been impacting a generation and changing the lives of children who have been afflicted by the injustices of poverty. By providing them with a place of refuge, dignity is restored to these young lives, fuelling them with hope for the future. Lifegate sponsors 100 children children and families that are being fed, educated and armed with the Gospel, equipping them with the keys to a life of unlimited potential as future leaders.

This donation is tax deductible.

Giving Details:

Name: Lifegate Church

BSB Number: 082-429

Account Number: 509 174 951

Ref: Name + TC


Mission Partner: Lifegate Care

Donations needed: $20,000

Lifegate Care is about helping people find freedom and purpose through the direct relief of poverty, suffering, isolation, misfortune, disability, or homelessness in our community. Lifegate Care currently runs a free community dinner every Wednesday night, as well as emergency frozen meals and pantry items, basic necessities such as toothbrushes and soap, and referrals for assistance to partner organisations.

This donation is tax deductible.

Giving Details:

Name: Lifegate Care Limited

BSB Number: 082-356

Account Number: 174 386 804

Ref: Name + LC

South West Sydney

Mission Partner: SRE in Schools

Donations needed: $18,000

We support SRE teachers in our local community to teach students about the Bible through Christian Special Religious Education (SRE). Christian Special Religious Education (SRE) encourages students to question, explore and discover the basics of the Christian faith based on the Bible.

This donation is tax deductible.

Giving Details:

Name: Lifegate Church

BSB Number: 082-429

Account Number: 509 174 951

Ref: Name + SRE

South West Sydney

Mission Partner: General Mission Fund

Donations needed: $7,000

This giving will go towards the general mission fund, allowing us to use the resources as God guides our church to best serve our community. Together, we can continue to see people live in the freedom and purpose that Jesus has for their lives.

Giving Details:

Name: Lifegate Church

BSB Number: 082-429

Account Number: 509 174 951

Ref: Name + GM